Saturday, December 17, 2011

Let's Try This Again

The other day I read an inspiring blog, which got me thinking. Two years ago I tried blogging myself only to realize after a few post I had nothing to say and decided to stop. Now I am going to start again for I do have something to say. In fact, I have much to say, though I do not know what it is yet. I'm figuring it would be nice to get a head start on documenting my life, because I'll be much to busy to catch up on it later when I actually have something worth documenting. This is not to say my life is currently boring or pointless, for it is far from either. My days are full and something is always happening, but not much that concerns the general public.

I do believe God places the desires of your heart there for a reason, and is faithful to give when you ask. I have personally seen this first hand and there's nothing like seeing something right in front of you to make a believer out of you. Well God has made it the strong desire of my heart to change the world for him, and that's what I ask of him, which leads me to believe he is going to use me for something. I realize by myself I am only a sinner in need of a savior, but with Christ I am now sinner saved by grace. I lowly girl on her own what can she accomplish?A girl accepted onto God's side, the same God who is the creator of the universe and the great I am, what could she not do? Because of what Christ has done by saving me from the pit of despair and domain of darkness, I am willing to do whatever he asks of me. I don't yet know all his plans, nor will I tell the day I have lived his plans out and see him face to face, but I know he does have a plan for me. So I will patiently seek him to discover his will. Here's my story, the story of justification, redemption, and sanctification!

1 comment:

  1. You could do it Candice, I know you can!!!! I am glad you are back to blogging!!!! I miss you guys. We need to get together.

    Hannah Limon
